The Mahazine issue #2 is here!

100 pages of AI inspiration to download for Free!

From Packaging to Fashion: AI Design Takeover

We are thrilled to announce the launch of the second issue of The Mahazine! Dive into the captivating world of AI and its influence on design across various fields such as packaging, architecture, fashion, interiors, and more. Discover groundbreaking experiments featuring different AI generators.

In this edition, we introduce Gabrielle, a French virtual influencer who will lead an exciting virtual life in gaming, arts, culture, and tech. You can find her on instagram under the name of: @gabrielle.explores

Stay tuned for her captivating journey!

Download your free copy now:

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Our ultimate goal is to release The Mahazine in printed format. Currently, it is available exclusively in digital format. With your support and increasing demand, we aspire to bring it to life on paper.

We value your feedback and suggestions. Let us know what you would like to see in The Mahazine. We are eager to hear from you!

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Together, let's make waves in the world of AI!

Enjoy The Mahazine,
The Mahazine team.


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